What to Do / Eat in Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Borobudur – This is a breathtaking temple that’s an absolute must-see if you’re in Yogyakarta.

Prambanan – It’s not quite as amazing as Borobudur, but it’s definitely another must-see.


Ayam Geprek & Susu – The fried chicken and rice here is vibrant, crunchy, and amazing.

Ayam Goreng Spesial Lombok Idjo – The fried chicken here is nothing too special, but it’s tasty enough.

Harga Lumpia Samijaya – This street food vendor on the main stretch of Malioboro serves some seriously delicious spring rolls.

Kangkung Bakar – You can probably safely skip this place — the chicken here is fine, but not much more than that.

Lesehan Gudeg Kayu – This place serves gudeg, a local jackfruit stew, and it is crazy delicious.

McDonald’s – They serve a chocolate pie at the McDonald’s here, and holy moly, it’s so good.

Rocket Chicken – This is a local fast joint that serves some delightfully affordable fried chicken.